Scraps and Ramblings– Burkhart Park, Public service and Joe Tutterow
If you don't know Joe Tutterrow you should. He is hard worker... knowledgeable about many subjects...many to do with our Indiana woods. He also has a good bass voice...we use to sing in the Methodist church choir together. Joe is the chairman of our County Park board. It is a appointed position..the pay won't get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks.. or even Pams. Joe and his active and talented folks on the board have been instrumental in getting Morgan County its first county park, Burkhart Creek... down by Paragon...near the Ray and Ashland township line. It is a beautiful area.. woods, the creek... some wetlands. It personifies the blessings of natural beauty that we have here in Morgan County. There are trails..a turtles and pileated should visit it some day soon. Here is a website about our county park. The rest of the hard working board members are listed there.
Joe took a vacation day today to work on park material... grant writing, mitigation forms... things that you wouldn't think would be necessary just to have a great place for you and I to go. Think about that...a vacation day to work for our county... for you... for your children and those unborn. How do we find men like Joe... blessings like Joe. It is a wonder.
I told Joe this morning that I found out something just this week that rather pleased me about the park. It addressed one of my major concerns.... well two of them.. One usage and the other security. The park is a bit off the beaten path and I have been concerned about how many folks would find it and use it. well, the other day I was visiting... lunching with Terry and Bill from the surveyors office. I commented about the park and voiced my concern. Well, they removed them in a heartbeat. Bill had been down there recently looking at some of the wetland mitigation areas had seen several hikers... and was driving his truck on the trail.. it is paved. He was approached by one of the local users and queried in a rather abrupt and honest manner...typical of folks in that region, "what do you think you're doing?" Well, after pointing to the sign on the side of the truck, things calmed..but isn't it great when folks take a feeling of public responsibility...sort of a modern version of "Don't tread on Me." If you go to Burkhart Creek.. you best follow the rules... and enjoy some of the most beautiful parts of the county... I loved the story... and so did Joe.
Don-- December 7, 2011